The Fierce Friends Network

I used to think that I could do everything and anything on my own.

No one knows me like I do, no one knows my story or my life better than me so how can anyone else help me get better? Have you ever felt this way? Like you just want to do better or work harder to reach your goals and that you can do it on your own?

I’ve learned throughout life that while we are capable of doing hard things, sometimes it makes sense to call in an expert.

This is where the Fierce Friends Network comes into play.  There are some key people in my life that I’ve trusted to share their expertise with me in helping me get to where I wanted to be. I’m not an expert at everything and I don’t have to be. I’ve learned from many very successful people that “we do what we do best, and outsource the rest.” There is usually a cost involved in seeking out professional advice, but I’ve found that the cost of trying to figure certain things out on my own has come with a greater cost - whether its money or stress or time, there is usually a cost that may not be worth paying when I could have easily just gotten the help that I needed from someone that has dedicated their life to solving those problems.

These are my people and I’m honoured to share them with you. I have no affiliation with their businesses at all, they are just people in my life that are great at what they do and I believe in sharing the wealth. Check back here often because I will keep adding to this list of experts that play a huge role in my life!


Amy Bondar

Nutritional Therapist, Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Speaker and Author.

Amy brings nearly 2 decades of experience in the field of nutrition and mind-body coaching and believes that nourishing our body with the power of food and essential oils, resolving stresses that are blocking our physiology and hindering our full potential and living a life with purpose are the essential ingredients to optimizing our health.

With an open heart and inquiring mind Amy will accompany you on a journey to knowing yourself in a whole new conscious way and will inspire, educate and guide you to nourish your body, mind and soul so you can live a vibrant, energetic and fulfilling life.



IG: @bondaramy


Brandon Bailey

Senior Financial Consultant, IG Wealth Management.

Not all wealth gets created equally. Creating it and maintaining it takes a personalized approach focused on comprehensive planning. At Investor’s Group Wealth Management we specialize in multi-generation family planning. Helping people understand the principles of wealth management, by providing advice in key areas of tax and estate planning, investment planning, risk management, and business succession; developing unique solutions to our clients. 

We help our clients to grow and protect their net worth by creating unique and easy to understand financial plans that change as their life does.



IG: @yycwealthadvisor

Danielle Manguinao

Founder & CEO of The Birth Love.

Created a biz that educates expecting parents during pregnancy in preparation for their transformation into parenthood. Knowledge is confidence. Imagine going into labor with empowered confidence?!

Danielle is a spouse, mom of two and a momprenuer whose mission is to create space for women to be heard, to be seen, and to be supported as they experience their transformation into motherhood. 

To get a free phone consultation:



IG: @thebirthlove

Join the Fierce Friends Network!

Do you have an expertise in an area that could help our community? I’d love to talk to you and find out how we can support each other by building a meaningful connection. Please fill out this form and I will reach out to you!


Source the Fierce Friends Network!

Are you looking for a referral in a specific area? I can help you with a few of my trusted (and tested) contacts! These are people that I know I can refer to you without hesitation because they are such rockstars. There is no fee for this, it’s just a way for me to connect my amazing friends with people that can use their help.